Monday, February 2, 2009

Doing well.

I've been doing pretty well. A couple of reactions (inexplicable ones) that were probably due to something that snuck in without my knowledge. I am still gluten-free (though I had a dream where I ate a roll before I thought about it and was really disappointed in myself).

I even managed to eat Chinese food by being really careful. (Chicken with white-wine sauce, and plain steamed rice).

After all the times that I have ignored my disease and eaten my mom's awesome home-made rolls, or sticky buns, or my dad's brownies, I think my parents are finally beginning to understand that I mean it when I say I shouldn't eat that, and I won't. (I passed up soft pretzels at dinner Saturday night).

My mom still hopes that I will "grow out of it," but (as she is a research scientist at a fairly impressive University), I asked her to do some research about the disease in hopes that she might a)begin to understand or b)tell me something I don't know. My paternal grandma claims that my uncle suffered from something akin to celiac (wheat intolerance? gluten intolerance? Full-blown celiac?). But, as my parents don't often speak to my uncle, it is difficult to know what he did have back then, and what, if any, special diet he might follow now. (I do know, however, that he ate grandma's dressing at Thanksgiving dinner long ago when we all ate together).

I tried a rice stuffing (of my own invention) last night, and it was pretty terrible. I'd love a recipe if anyone knows one that is tasty.

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